Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Ward 56, Voter #113

My polling place is about half a block from my apartment, and I usually vote just before leaving for work; when the polls have been open for about an hour. I get in and out within a few minutes, and my voter number is usually in the 20's.

This morning I went to my polling place about ten minutes before the polls were scheduled to open. The line, in addition to snaking around a courtyard that can't be seen in the above photo, went around the corner and halfway down the block. The wait was a brisk 45 minutes, and the line looked exactly the same when I left as it did when I arrived. When I got home from work some 8 hours later there was still a line down the block.

After spending all day reading the latest headlines on Democratic Underground, I immediately turned on CNN when I got home. And then I broke out in a cold sweat and felt nauseous. 6:00 pm is too early to know anything, and it's sure as fuck too early for an unnecessary panic attack.

Current projection has Obama at 175 to McCain's 46. I'm going to watch some Futurama and open another beer.


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