I'm getting a new job. It's slightly less money, but with none of the insane overtime hours--randomly having to come in on Saturday
and Sunday. Plus, it's a completely new position at a different, and better, company.
Friday is my last day, and after over three years, I'm definitely ready to move on. Still, there's a little trepidation. I'm going to have to start getting up early in the morning again to get to work. I might be there for a week and decide it's totally boring. I'll probably end up gaining a million pounds working a desk job with a well-stocked snack cabinet.
Most frighteningly, I'll be working with a group of people who may not appreciate my, um, bluntness. After spending the past three years basically being able to say whatever offensive, obscene thing that popped into my head, I'm actually going to have to censor myself. How the hell am I supposed to survive when I can't call all white people "Cracker", or imply that male co-workers are gay, or casually address people as "Bitch"? I'm really going to make a concentrated effort of it, but I can only hold out for so long.
So far, my plan is to bring cupcakes or brownies the first day to butter them up. I figure some homemade baked goods will temporarily fool them into thinking that I'm not some sort of crazy, potentially violent bitch. It worked for Martha Stewart, after all.