Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Everybody doesn't like something, but nobody doesn't like Christopher Walken

Several years ago, Christopher Walken was talking about his desire to host a cooking show. I remember him mentioning it on Conan, and the editors of the British movie magazine, Hot Dog, were lobbying to have said show produced in the UK.

Apparently, he and Julian Schnabel actually created a cooking show for Split Screen on cable network, IFC. But, it appears to have been a one-time thing--and it's not out on DVD, damnit.

Seriously, though, who the hell wouldn't watch that? Even if he was just making peanut butter & jelly sandwiches every week, it would be the greatest cooking show ever.

Well, we may be in luck. Eight years after I first heard about it, Walken seems to be lobbying for his own cooking show in the form of a three-minute video that's all over teh internets. It looks like it was filmed in his kitchen with a camcorder, and it's just a straightforward piece on cooking a chicken and pears. No dancing, no craziness, no cowbell. Just cooking.

"Those little caps. They get like little cookies. They're very tasty."

I would watch this show every day.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Fuck the iPhone

I'd rather have a big-ass table

Monday, July 2, 2007


I spent almost 3 hours doing laundry yesterday. While I was pissed off and resentful about losing a large chunk of my day to the cleaning of my clothes (as well as about 30 pounds of sheets and blankets. Seriously, I think I wrecked my shoulder schlepping my hamper full of duvet covers up the stairs to my apartment), this made it all worth it. Almost.

While my frilly pantaloons and petticoats and shit were getting a spin cycle, I ran across the street for an espresso. As I returned to the laundromat, I saw these Seussian fish graffiti-stenciled to the front of the building.

The question, now, is are these the work of a delightfully whimsical graffiti artist or some sort of bullshit faux-guerilla ad campaign for yet another film that brutally rapes the happy memories of a my childhood.