Thursday, February 18, 2010

This is actually happening right now

Roger Ebert is a prolific and entertaining Twitter-er. It is because of him I have spent the past hour watching Arizona Congressional Candidate, Thomas J. Zaleski, go ballistic on Twitter.

Holy fucking hell. This guy is seriously unbalanced. Check this shit:

The comment at the top? It was in response to this:
Yeah. Someone asks a serious, legitimate question and he goes nuts. I also suspect Zaleski thinks that this user is either Wile E. Coyote or the Acme Sales company from which Wile E. bought all his roadrunner-catching stuff. Which would mean that Zaleski thinks that the old Warner Brothers cartoons are real or somehow based in reality.

Also, this:
was followed by this:
and this:

The first one was lame. The second was unnecessarily cruel, especially since it seemed to be a response to this from Ebert:

At least Zaleski was later able to post this without a trace of irony:

Is this an elaborate hoax? The unsettling ravings of a mentally unbalanced individual? Or just some idiot douchebag running for Congress? I'm not really sure, and crazy random stuff like this doesn't help:

The only thing that I'm sure of in this situation is that the following is most likely true:

1 comment:

Steven said...

Yeah I've been watching this guy, also. He's a trainwreck that just keeps reoccurring. It's kind of fascinating. I actually started using him as a case study for an essay I'm doing on complete failures in self-marketing/PR.

I'm especially fond of his propensity to block people. To get blocked, all you have to do is keep talking to him after he's called you a few names. It almost doesn't matter what you actually say. The more riled up you get him, the more likely you'll get something such as this gem from February 17 when he blocked user @cody_k:

ZALESKI4CONGRES: u r idiot and vlocks

Other times his tweets gather a tourette's-like head of steam:

ZALESKI4CONGRES: Not one lefty has tried to defend Obama care DISASTER, Deficits JOBS KILLERs, Failed Olympic bid, $200 beef, CHild molesters in WH

He gets stranger all the time, too. See, for example, this tweet from around midday March 2:

ZALESKI4CONGRES: Got to run. I actually have two companies to run and campaign for Congress. Libs must not have jobs on twitter all day long!

Here he is tweeting on an account that has been active for about 3 weeks (20 days) by that time, having posted nearly 1300 tweets in that short time (~65 a day, ~3 an hour), insulting opponents for spending too much time on twitter. And doing so without the slightest twinkle of irony. (It should also be noted that within 2 hours of the above posted tweet, he posted 4 more tweets. Within 12 hours, he'd posted ~25 more. Within 24, over 100 more tweets.)

Let's be honest here, all partisanship aside: this guy is clearly going to lose. It's not that Republicans as a whole don't have a chance -- they do. But it's not going to be this guy. He's mean, confused, dogmatic, quick-tempered, inarticulate, self-righteous, and completely lacking in even the most basic tint of self-awareness. He's not even a blip on the radar screen of the most obscure pollsters. Nor will he be at any point this year. He'll continue farting out a whole bunch of nakedly provocative nonsense like the shameless gadfly he is, and people will continue to take the bait. Because, let's face it, it's incredibly easy to provoke people. The more unhinged you are, the more responses you get. It doesn't mean he's popular by any means -- just that he's a sideshow along the lines of a dancing monkey.

Nothing will come of it. Like so much of political discourse, it'll amount to just a bunch of hot air and wasted energy. And that's all he really is, anyway. Maybe there will be a new Representative in AZ district 1, maybe there won't, but it won't be Thomas Zaleski. Count on it.