Friday, March 30, 2007

Some advice

The next time you're at the grocery store, you may see single servings of frozen fish being sold for about $1.00 a piece. This may strike you as a good idea, and you might decide to buy a couple of these.

For the love of gawd, don't. Seriously, don't.

You'll buy it, and cook it, and get ready to eat it with some steamed vegetables, and feel all smug that you're eating a healthy meal. Then you'll take one bite and spend the rest of the day wondering if you're going to vomit.

You'll repeat this on a later day with a different type of fish. Just because the tilapia was horrible doesn't mean the salmon will be too, right? Right?

I don't know what made me you think that a $1.00 piece of salmon would be good, but, it's not. You shouldn't expect it to be.

The package is notable for it's lack of contact information. I suppose if you were to call the company and complain, they'd just tell you "It only cost $1.00." and then hang up. And they'd be right.

Don't buy the salmon. Also, don't buy the tilapia, the flounder, and especially not the scallops. And, if you happen to see some sort of fish/veg kabob thing, just keep on walking.

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