Thursday, August 16, 2007

Spotted: The Jesus Car

If you spend enough time in my home town, you will eventually see or at least hear about the Jesus Car.

Click the picture to see a bigger picture & have fun deciphering the crazy crap all over this thing. The shit across the grill is backwards so drivers spotting this in their rearview can share in the crazy.

This motorized eyesore is a black station wagon covered in religious slogans, anti-abortion rhetoric, and other crazy crap. There are speakers mounted on the roof, and sometimes you can actually hear its message of crazy Christian morality.

Nobody seems to know much about the Jesus Car or it's driver, Jesus Car Guy. I first saw the car about 20 years ago. I was a child in the back seat of my parents' car. We were on the freeway when we rolled up on the Car; crazy graffiti all over, speakers blaring. I suspect the car was in its infancy then, as neither of my parents were sure of what the fuck they had seen.
Over the years, I'd occasionally spot it downtown or by the lakefront. But, really, it was pretty rare and I never gave it much thought.

It wasn't until I moved into my current neighborhood--a trendy liberal gay-friendly region of the city--that I started seeing the Jesus Car all the time. I'd run out to buy cigarettes, and it would go driving past. I'd be coming home from work, and it would be parked in front of Walgreens. I'd drive to the grocery store, and there it would be hanging with the abortion protesters and their giant fetus pictures.

So, now I have to wonder: What the hell is this guy's deal? Does he actually think he's accomplishing something, or is he just nuts? Has it been the same guy and the same car for the past 20 years? And, most importantly, when he dies does it mean the end of the Jesus Car?
Until then, I will continue to watch for the Jesus Car, and attempt to snap more photos so that it can be seen in all its creepy glory.

Also spotted recently: The Jebus Car. Just a regular car with a vanity license plate that says Jebus.

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