Saturday, December 15, 2007

I just hope he sings "Everything I Do"

So, I just read that Will Arnett (a.k.a. Mr. Amy Poehler, a.k.a. GOB Bluth) will be the voice of KITT in the upcoming (what the fucking fuck?) Knight Rider remake/movie thing.

While I think this is a terrible idea and the network is grossly overestimating the public's desire to see remakes of campy TV shows, I'm completely amused.

I seriously hope that they just recycle lines from Arrested Development. It would be perfect; KITT was a smart-ass car that talked to a guy named Michael, GOB was a smart-ass magician illusionist that talked to his brother, Michael. There are so many fantastic lines to use.

While I don't think they would make this crap-fest great, I think it couldn't hurt to include the following:

GOB singing Everything I Do

His recurring "Come on!"

The classic, "It's an 'illusion', Michael. A trick is something a whore does for money."

And, of course, Franklin.
It's just unfortunate that you can't really have a car do a crazy chicken dance.

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