Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Project Runway: Week 4

Last Week: Jack "Pretty Boy" won, Carmen "Former Model" got auf'ed, and I didn't bother re-watching because I just didn't' care that much.

This Week: I think I know these people's names. Which is good, because I can't really remember the stupid nicknames I made up. Also, group challenge!

But first, damn, Heidi looks orange in the credits. I don't think I've watched them this season. Jebus cripes. woman, what the hell did they do to you? You look totally normal in the Victoria Secret fashion show pictures from last month.

Also, there's credits over my first two minutes of show. Weird.

The models are back, and they have names. I don't remember any of those names, but two were vaguely Eastern European-sounding. Jack swaps models, and "New!Andrae" Ricky gets pissy about it. For real? It's, like, the third challenge with them. You can't be too attached to those bitches.

Off to the workroom for one of PR's patented "big reveals that aren't really that big, and sort of disappointing if they haven't already been some how spoiled". Before said reveal, I notice that "Hippie Lady" Elisa is wearing what look like giant handbag-shaped earrings. I think I want them.

The super-special guest is fashiondirectorforEllemagazine Nina Garcia. I love Nina, but big fucking deal. And, it's all "blah, blah, past fashion trends and shit".
So, the challenge this week is: Pick a hideous fashion trend of the past, get together with two other designers and their trends, and design a collection that incorporates all three. There's shit like cut outs, underwear as outer wear, all-denim. At first I thought they were all 80's trends, but poodle skirts and zoot suits were included, so I'm not sure. I wish leggings or at least legging with skirt were included, because they're just as bad as neon or all-denim.

Shockingly, Christian the New Wave Boy goes for the zoot suit. I thought he would've jumped at shoulder pads.

Now is the time on PR when we shop!
Christian, team star? Really? You're all fierce? Jebus. You suck so hard. Seriously, lady, you're like some sort of Paris-Hilton-idolizing, TMZ-reading, 12-year-old girl in a 21-year-old faux hipster douchebag's body. Hate you so much.

Steven of the Chicago Museum's nonchalant relay of Chris's "looks like my grandmother's goddamn couch" comment somehow made him my favourite.

Back to work, bitches!
Gotta say, Ricky's dealing with Elisa was awesome. He wasn't condescending or assy to her, and his explanation of working with hippie dance instructors was totally amusing.

Last week there was singing. This week a Tim-pression. Please stop. You people aren't Santino. Don't remind me of him.

Mid-challenge model fitting! Did they do this in the past? If not, I hope it's a permanent thing for the season. It could definitely help the better designers, and filter out the ones who just can't tailor or construct a garment to save their lives. Not really getting a good look at the clothes yet. Team Chris/Steven/Sweet P doesn't look hideous, but it's not all that interesting. Team Ricky/Victorya/Elisa looks seriously cheap. I guess shiny neon fabric does that.

I hate all the team challenge drama. So uninteresting. The only one not included was Team Christian/Jack/Kit, so they're probably not going to win or lose this one.

If Steven wasn't my favourite, Ricky would be for his, "I don't think smashing her boobs is 'polished'" comment.

It's Runway Time!
Team Jillian/Kevin/Rami had overalls, all-denim, and poodle skirts. Jillian's overalls are fug by virtue of the fact that they're fucking overalls. On Kevin's outfit, all I see is the froufrou neck cowl. Rami's dress is actually sort of cute.

Team Chris/Steven/Sweet P had shoulder pads, dance wear, and oversized sweaters. The dress that Chris did was nice, but that jacket was all sorts of ugly. Leaving it off was totally not an option, though, because his trend was shoulder pads. Steven's outfit was totally meh. The satiny wrap top said "I'm a wrap top" and the leggings attempted to claw my eyes out with their hideousness. I'm not sure if I actually like it, or it just stands out compared to the other two, but Sweet P's sweater dress was pretty cute. It would be ghastly on someone over 100lbs, but it looked great on her model.

Team Christian/Jack/Kit was zoot suit, somethign else, and something else. Seriously, between my contempt for Christian and my suspicion that they were just "in", I didn't pay that much attention. I do know that I hate Jack's dress with a firey passion. It was a shapeless sac with some sort of crazy trim, and it was worn over leggings. I think I'm going to puke.

Team Ricky/Victorya/Elisa had neon, underwear as outer wear, and cut outs. Like I said before the shiny neon fabric made everything look super cheap. Ricky's dress looked like it had a terrible fit up top. Elisa's looks oddly-proportioned and the triangle business draws me back to the cheap thing. Victorya's is just... yarg.

Huh, Team Jillian won. I guess I can see that.
See, Team Christian is "in" and can leave the runway.

I fucking hate the "who should go" question, because it's so obviously meant to start shit. At least everyone was pretty straightforward this time. They must've gotten all cried out on Week 2.

Ad watch:
I feel like I should, but I just can't see Sweeney Todd. It's a musical, an old one that's been on Broadway and shit. Can't do it. Even if it is about someone selling meat pies made from humans. And it has Johnny Depp. And Ali G. And is directed by Tim Burton. Not gonna do it.

And we're back.
Steve and Ricky are safe to battle it out for my favourite. Chris is auf'ed. Given that he was sort of a non-entity until this episode, is anyone surprised?

Next Week:
Shenanigans with the models, the judges make bitchy comments, there's something up with Jack. My prediction: Plus-sized models. You know, size 6 fatties.

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