Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Project Runway: Week 3

Menswear. Called it.

I came in to the show about 10 minutes late, because I dropped a hammer on my foot and then I started making pig- and cow-shaped rice balls during the show.

Anyway, when I came in they were leaving some guy I recognize as a football player. I'm guessing they have to make an outfit for him.

Why the fuck does everyone decide they have to make a suit? If you've never done menswear before, why do something so challenging?

Pretty Boy is taking apart his pants to use as a pattern. Remember last year when Vincent just traced his intact pants as a template? This is way better. In fact, taking apart the pants and using the actual pieces seems like it would facilitate decent construction.

Awww, Right Said Fred thinks he's too sexy to use Pretty Boy's pattern.

Chicago Museum Guy, what makes you call that a pimp hat? It's black and there's not even a giant peacock feather.

Damn, my toe hurts like a sonofabitch. If I lose a toe nail I will be totally pissed. And grossed out. Ahh, single serving homemade mac & cheese, you are my icy cold saviour.

Anyone else really want to see Juno? I'd been indifferent before, but the trailers are selling me. She said "Shenanigans"! Besides, if you don't like Michael Cera, you clearly have no soul.

Awww, even Tim Gunn is excited for male models.

Hey, Straight Guy, way to remind us you're hetero. I might have forgotten.

Ah, Hippie Lady, I'd forgotten about you and your weirdo hippie vibes until now. I'm guessing this means you won't be in the top or bottom two this week.

New Wave Boy says Asians are fierce? What the fucking fuck does that mean? Seriously, though, yeah. We're totally fierce.

Oh, designers, why you gotta tell people you're making a million pieces that haven't been made yet? You know that shit's going to come up when they don't get made. Why you gotta be so stupid, stupids?

Members Only jacket? Asian Woman Married to Tiki Barber, I love you. Also, my original assessment of Former Model as someone with a thing for 80's "fashion" (a la Zulema) was totally right.

I'm so disappointed that New!Andrae hasn't cried yet. It seems like he should've been in tears for the entire episode.

Chicago Museum Guy, I'm not sure if you're long for this show, but you've won me over with your low-level snark. For lack of any others, I'm now considering you my favourite.

New!Andrae is having his model sew buttons for him? I'm almost positive that something like this happened before. I'm thinking it was Daniel Franco-related, but I honestly can't remember.

Woah, the sleeve-shoulder area of Sweet P's shirt is seriously jacked up.

Ad Watch:
That ad for Macy's with all the celebretards pitching their crap makes me rage. If it wasn't the only place in town to buy Lush, I'd never set foot in there again. As it stands, I go there to buy Lush and Frango Mints.

Fashion Show!
  • That Woman's garment is boring, but it's finished.
  • I don't know if Former Model actually tweaked her design, but it's totally Members Only. She should've accessorized with a pair of Blue Blockers.
  • New Wave Boy says his design is the only unique one? Woo. Detail on the pockets and a weird zippered neckline. Way to push the envelope.
  • Not Sweet P has a navy jacket and white shirt. Meh.
  • Right Said Fred went too casual. He thinks it's "hip". Yeah, I'm sure my dad had similar thoughts when he got a similar jacket a couple years ago.
  • In the work room, they focused on the jacked up sleeve on Sweet P's shirt, but here the crazy-ass collar definitely detracts from it.
  • The pants on Chicago Museum Guy's model look weird in a way I can't fully understand. Either the crotch is halfway down his thigh or he's seriously long-torsoed and they're proportioned to his weird-ass body. Still, I think I like the sweater.
  • Korean Girl has a white jacket. At least she can admit it's pretty undrewhelming.
  • Straight Guy, did you watch Season 2? That outfit is totally a retread of the one Chloe made for Nick. Seriously. Just imagine it in pink. Still, it looks really well-made.
  • PR!Dave has some sort of all-black ensemble. I'm not sure what's going on aside from what might be a zipper.
  • Pretty Boy has a shirt and pants. With stripes. Um, that's all I got.
  • Hippie Lady's outfit doesn't look bad. Except for the Han Solo vest. What's the deal with that?
Maybe it's just me, but the runway footage seemed especially shitty this week. It seemed like you got 1 second of actual clothes and the rest was judge/designer reaction shots. How can you pick out details or construction flaws like this? I don't care if NinaGarcia looks pissed, I just want to see the clothes.

I seriously don't care who wins or loses this one. I'm pretty indifferent to these people. I'm going back to my rice balls and hunting down some aspirin that wasn't bought at the dollar store.

Next Week: Looks like another group/pair challenge. Hopefully I'll still have my toenail.

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