Monday, November 5, 2007

Good vs Bad

  • - [Insert your own Asian joke at my expense here.] Done? Okay, good. Now that we've all had a good laugh, you should seriously check this site out. If you're anything like me, you're some sort of nerdy liberal bleeding heart and, thus, this site should appeal to you immensely. It's simple: You play a simple little vocabulary building game and for each answer you get right, 10 grains of rice are donated to the UN World Food Program. For free. Come on, put that high school education to use. Kill some time at work, make your AP English teacher proud, and help some starving people. Besides, there's always the potential for amusing stuff like this:
    The correct answer is "Mirror". Who knew.

  • Pac Gentleman - A steampunk version of the classic Pac Man arcade game. I read the post about this on Geekologie at work, and it cracked me the hell up. While I'm not a huge Pac Man fan, I do love a ghost with a bushy handlebar mustache. If Pac GentleMan had a pair of mutton-chop sideburns to go with the bowler hat, I'd be headed off to Santa Cruz to try and steal that thing.

  • William Shatner & James Spader on Boston Legal - I'm not entirely sure how this show ended up on my Netflix cue, but I've found it surprisingly enjoyable. I'm about to start the third season, and while my interest began to wane around the middle of the second, I will gladly return to watch the love story between Captain Kirk and James Spader play out. You just know they're dying to settle down in a marriage that may or may not still be legal in the state of Massachusetts.

  • Red Lipstick- My makeup inventory--Yes, I keep an inventory in Excel. Shut up.--indicates that I have 34 different red lipcolours. It's 34 out of approximately 178, so I'm not sure if it's a significant percentage. At any rate, I've decided to wear a different one every day and write a quick review, which may some day be used as blog fodder. I'm 8 days in and haven't had any duds yet.

  • Top 40 Radio - I'm not sure if that's what it's actually called these days--Jebus, I'm getting old--but, it's what they play at work. All day long. 8.5 hours straight. Fregie. Gwen Stefani. American Idol contestants. All make me want to drive a pen through my skull. The most grating, however, is that Colbie Caillat song, "Bubbly". They play it an average of once an hour, and every time I want to punch the radio. If I didn't have to hear that insipid crap so goddamn much it wouldn't inspire this level of rage. I blame radio for playing it constantly just as much as I blame her for sucking so hard.

  • Heroes - JebusBuddahAllah, this show is moving slowly. I know it's only the sixth episode, and I'm sure last season was moving at roughly the same pace, but damn. At least last season I was interested in the characters and it felt like they were actually moving toward some end. This time I can barely force myself to pay attention. Hiro's in 17th century Japan; Peter's in Ireland with amnesia; Parkman and Mohinder are settling down to start a family; Claire's family is hiding out in Southern California; Sylar's back; and there are a whole bunch of new heroes. So much shit could be going down, but any progression is occurring at a monumentally slow pace. Maybe this is my problem, but I don't watch a show about fucking superheroes to see things that are neither super or heroic.
  • Daylight Savings Time - I drove to work in bright-as-hell sunlight and drove home in the dark. This sucks. There are way more pedestrians and bicycles to potentially hit at 5:30 pm than there are at 7:00 am. Fuck the farmers, I don't want to accidentally commit vehicular manslaughter.

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