Monday, November 26, 2007

Project Runway: Week 2 Delayed Reaction

So, Pajiba recently had a discussion in the comment section of their daily rundown about "Skank Cancer". This epithet refers to Katherine Heigl, but the concept is:
"Celebrities who violently rub you the wrong way for inexplicable reasons, whose simple presence sends you scurrying for the remote and, lacking that, a straight razor."
What does this have to do with this week's Project Runway? Well, upon rewatching the episode, I realized the Sarah Jessica Parker is my Skank Cancer. I'm sure she's very nice--every interview I've seen seems to indicate so--and her work is generally off my radar, but there's just something about her.
I just don't know. Her voice is like nails on a chalkboard, and I'd rather take a broken glass enema than watch her do anything. Gah.

Anyway. Last week's episode: Korean Girl won, Hippie Lady spit on her dress and still made it into the top 2, New!Andrae got screwed, and Marion got auf'ed.
That reminds me: I thought Heidi was totally cute on How I Met Your Mother tonight. "Oooh, little hamburgers. I love little hamburgers." That's totally going to make me laugh for the next couple days.

So, the show was all, "blah!blah!blah! SarahJessicaParker. Blah!blah! partners". And, I'm all, "whateva, cancel Tim Gunn's Guide to Style, and bring back Tim's PR blog." As much as I love Nina, she doesn't have the same insight into the whole designers designing thing that Tim did.

  • Right Said Fred worked with That Woman, not Pretty Boy, as I originally remembered. Partner aside, it doesn't change that the outfit was super assy. Leggings, oversized shirt belted, wide headband. It's like last year and the 80's had some sort of bastard baby that puked in a fountain pen and designed that outfit.

  • I remember the dress made by Korean Girl and Straight Guy as being somehow better. Seeing the online picture, it's kind of yarg. The short-ish hem and the volume make it look like it has the potential to be seriously unflattering. And the tiny vest isn't really helping things.

  • The outfit by Hippie Lady and Sweet P seriously looks like a figure skating dress. I had to look up pictures on a couple different websites, but from certain angles it reads figure skater. I think it's the shortness and the long, voluminous sleeves. Just look at it. I will admit that it's not as terrible as I originally thought, and my hate for Hippie Lady amps up the hate exponentially. Come on, there's a goddamn cape. That's just yuck.

  • The dress/jacket combo by New Wave Boy and the Former Model is ugly in a way that I can't quite articulate. The colour, the cut of the jacket, the orange of his model's face (it's a totally different shade that the rest of her fucking body!). It's just grossing me out.

  • For all of the drama over whether Chicago Museum Guy would finish the oh-so-detailed skirt, I have no idea what the hell it actually looked like. Marion's hideous fringed woolly poncho completely overshadowed it. Strangely, I don't loathe it as much as some others. Dont' get me wrong, it's hideous. I don't think a different fabric or a sleeker cut would've fixed anything. It certainly isn't helped by this comparison:
    Yeah, it's like Wendy Pepper interpreted by a semi-competent designer. Really, if I didn't have Hippie Lady to take the brunt of my loathing, Marion would've been the one I voted most likely to get auf'ed immediately. Between last week's entry and this monstrosity, it would really be for the best.

  • All I could remember about the outfit from Not!Sweet P and PR!Dave was leggings. Then I looked up a picture and saw that it was a sweatshirt with pockets. And they accessorized with a beret. Um, outfit aside, am I the only one who still thinks Lewinsky at the sight of a beret? Yes? No? Whatevs. The top is something I would at least try on at H&M, but then I'd wear it with a pair of pants. Leggings. Are. Not. Pants. Damnit! These issues aside, it's not terrible. Just boring as hell.

  • The only reason I can think of for why New!Andrae and Pretty Boy's dress wasn't in the top two was that the challenge specified a two piece look, and the belt didn't count as a second piece. The colour is great, the cut would be more universally flattering than Korean Girl's smock, and it would probably be easy to mass produce. Even if it was somehow ineligible for the win, I still call shenanigans. It could've easily edged out either of the top two.

Edit to mention that some of these pictures were borrowed from Project RunGay. Read it. Love it.

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