Sunday, April 15, 2007

The Air That I Breathe

I'm currently in the process of quitting smoking. I'm also on a massive diet/exercise thing to lose the 20 pounds I've gained from quitting smoking. The combination of these two things is making my life miserable. For the past month, I've had a persistent cold, am constantly nauseous, and have had two migraine headaches. I may actually be less healthy than I was when I smoked.

When it comes to this topic, the people in my life are divided into two camps: The Empathetic and The Sanctimonious; or, the smokers/ex-smokers and my family. The pressure to quit comes solely from my family, yet they're completely unsympathetic. If I should mention that I'm not particularly enjoying this, they treat me like a Nazi war criminal. When I half-jokingly said I wanted to start smoking again to lose the weight I gained, I was treated to a lecture on how horrible that would be and what a bad person I am. I was also told that the cravings would go away soon and I would feel so much better. By someone who doesn't smoke. Yeah.

When a morbidly obese member of my family lectures me on how my habits are bad for my health, it's really hard not to respond with a punch in the face. Especially when the pot smoker and the fatty, who are also supposed to quit smoking, don't seem to be held up to the same standard. Really, really hard not to choke a bitch.

If any of these people appeared to be at least a little healthy--if they exercised or ate well or weren't 100 pounds overweight--I wouldn't find this whole affair so offensive. I think the next time someone asks how the smoking's going, I'll sarcastically ask how the diet's going.
I don't care if they like me, I just want them to shut the fuck up.

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