Saturday, April 21, 2007

Diet Coke Minus: Those bastards broke my soda

I drink a lot of Diet Coke. During an average week, my liquid intake is roughly 40% water, 40% Diet Coke, 15% coffee, and 5% other. On multiple occasions, I have consumed an entire 2 litre bottle in an afternoon.
I may be the only person in the world who actually likes the bitter aspartame aftertaste. I can't stand the cloying sweetness of Coca-Cola Classic, or any form of Pepsi. Diet Rite is even worse. It's so flat and sweet and just... ew.

Anyway, in an effort to health up their product, Coke has introduced "Diet Coke Plus", the Diet Coke with vitamins and minerals. When I heard vitamins and minerals, I assumed it would be calcium or vitamin C, but it's multiple B vitamins, magnesium, and zinc.
I don't think this is a bad idea. It's gimmicky, sure, but they didn't jack up the price or spend the past three months bombarding us with a tacky ad campaign about how this is the second coming of diet soda.

I tried a bottle today, and my problem lies in the taste. It's more like Diet Coke Minus. It tastes sort of like regular Diet Coke, but it's somehow lacking. I drank a 20 oz. bottle today, and noticed that it was a little off on the first sip. By the time I finished the bottle, I realized that it had the same bland, flat after-tasteless taste as Diet Rite.

I compared the ingredient lists on the Plus bottle and a can or real Diet Coke, and saw that Plus had less aspartame and contained acesulfame potassium. A thread on the BevNet message boards confirmed that acesulfame potassium (Ace-K) was used as a secondary sweetener. This crap is, apparently, also used in Coke Zero and Diet Rite. This wouldn't be so troubling if it wasn't for the rumour that Coke may start using this lower-aspartame-plus-Ace-K formula in real Diet Coke.

Alright, bitches. If you want to add my daily allowance of vitamins and minerals, be my guest. Hell, you can pack it full of bovine grown hormone for all I care. However, if you change the base formula and turn it into another bland, cloying Diet Rite, I will come down there and stick a shank in your ass. I'm already sharpening one out of an empty 2 litre bottle. Don't make me use it.
If that doesn't convince you, just remember "New Coke".

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