Friday, April 27, 2007

Radio Off

I purged my MP3 player last week, so I now need to find new music to fill in the empty 800mb. While I do have several GBs of stuff on my computer's hard drive, I decided that I should have some music that was recorded since I graduated from college. You know, what the kids are listening to.

While the local “indie”/alternative rock radio station actually plays decent music, they have a way of running virtually every song they play into the ground. I really want to like the new Shins song, but it’s hard when they’ve been playing it hourly for the past two months.

Instead, I decided to try the top 40 pop station on my drive to work yesterday. I wasn’t feeling particularly road ragey, and if anything, it would be good for a laugh.

Damn, I can be stupid some times.

Gwen Stefani, Beyonce, Fergie, Nelly Furtado, Nickelback, and Justin Timberlake will never be featured on my MP3 player. Scattered among the endless stream of crap were songs by My Chemical Romance and Fall Out Boy, which I can’t stomach on the indie station, but were like beautiful oases here. I finally reached my end point when a song came on that I thought might be a newer one from Liz Phair. What? It might not completely suck.

Anyway, my train of though as the song progressed went like this:

This shit sounds like Liz Phair… run though ProTools a million times… singing something written to appeal to angsty teenage girls… that belongs on a straight-to-DVD Disney sequal. If this is her, what the hell happened? Liz Phair sucked, but not like this.

Song ended, DJ announced: That was Avril Lavigne with a song from the Eragon soundtrack.

Eh, close enough.

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