Tuesday, January 22, 2008

This was unexpected

So, Heath Ledger's dead. I'm not proud, but my first thought was, "I guess Charlie Hunnam won't have any more competition for roles calling for a Heath Ledger type." My second was, "I wonder if this will push back The Dark Knight."

I'll at least do him the courtesy of posting a flattering picture.

On the one hand, I'm indifferent, as I tend to be when celebrities die; however, I'm also surprised. He seemed pretty together, unlike some of his paparazzi-baiting celebretard peers, which is probably why his death is oddly unsettling. That and the fact that he's barely older than I am.

It's terribly unfortunate. He had the potential to be one of his generation's icons or slowly slide into mediocrity after a couple of kick-ass roles. Now we'll never know.

Since these things happen in threes (Brad Renfro was #1), I'm now worried about Jerry O'Connell:

Xenu does not appreciate your mockery, and those bastards are crazy.

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