Saturday, February 16, 2008

I tallied almost 300 bananas on this entertainment product

I will post the rest of my San Francisco pictures eventually. Seriously.

Until then, I'm wasting time pondering the insanely asinine "tax credit" that I refuse to believe wasn't inspired by the Futurama episode, "Three Hundred Big Boys".

On the one hand: Woo! free money!

On the other: Are you fucking kidding me? Hasn't "trickle-down" economics been debunked like the Loch Ness Monster or the Pop Rocks + CocaCola = explosion thing? Goddamnfuckingsonofabitch. Who actually thinks that this shit is going to stimulate the economy?

Of course, it's a moot point for me, because I owe money. I don't know how the hell this happens, but I made less money than last year and somehow have to pay almost $500 that I don't have. I'm tempted to mail in my return this year so I can include a check that says "Go fuck yourselves".

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