Tuesday, February 5, 2008

This feels scab-y

I have watched one episode each of the mid-strike Daily Show, Colbert Report, and Late Night. While quality clearly suffered from lack of writers, they were all amusing in their own way. I understand the reasons for three writer guy hosts to go back to work during the strike, but as I watched there was a part of me that was all, "Oooh, what's next? You gonna buy some Nikes? Wanna vote republican?"

I think that was my conscience, and it was annoying as fuck.

So, I haven't watched any of those shows in weeks. I was going to totally forget about them until the strike was over.

And then, while reading blogs at work today, I learned about the "feud". The fight is funny, if a tad homoerotic, but the real gem is the archival footage of Conan on Jon Stewart's short-lived talk show.

At least I didn't use the clip from NBC's website.

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